Big babies

I mean that literally. Literally means, "exactly as it says", not "metaphorically", even though metaphors are common literary devices.
We must be having a lot of very large babies, because everyone who has a baby has a minivan or an SUV. Maybe it is to carry the SUV sized strollers. If you have four kids, sure you need a big car, but for 1 or 2, a four-door car will do the job, and you can save money on gas.
I keep seeing people in SUVs and minivans in the parking lot with the motor running. If it is cold and cloudy, that makes some sense. If it is hot and sunny, it makes some sense. It makes more sense to go into the store or library with the other person.
If you want to save money, decrease our dependence on foreign oil, reduce greenhouse gases, get a small car and turn it off when you stop. If you don't care, I hope you flip your SUV. You are causing problems for the rest of us.

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