
In this country we are proud of our economic system, our justice system, and out political system.
And we make nasty jokes about salesmen, lawyers, and politicians, the poeple who drive those systems. Maybe it is because they drive it even when we would rather let it walk.

Lawyers work to defend the innocent, or fight wrong by starting class action suits against big companies who make bad products. They get a lot of money for their work. They sued Nitendo for price fixing, and when they won, the customers got a $5 coupon on new purchases.
If I get in trouble, I will call a lawyer. I was once hit by a drunk driver. It was amazing to see what a good lawyer could do do make sure I got a good settlement. Being right is not always enough. Yet I think it is because of lawyers and complex laws written by lawyers that we need them. In a Henlien book, The Number of the Beast, there was a place where they had a simple law based on "An eye for and eye, a tooth for a tooth." A hit and run driver would regret his actions.

Salesmen push us to buy what we don't need with money we don't have. People filing for bankruptcy still get offers for new credit cards. Commercials take up over a third of TV shows.

Politicians want power, fame and celebrity, and to serve the people. I don't know how those motives are proportioned, and I doubt many of the politicians know. I wonder how a politician would feel if he were pulled out of his job and made an aide. He could still serve, but in the shadows. In Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the president of the galaxy had one important qualification: He could not want the job.

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