A job

I now have a job. I am working retail. I am on the floor at Best Buy. I am quickly becoming the guy to go to with questions, like, "What cable should I use for this?" or "How can I do this?" I like these questions. I would rather help people with small problems than to buy a big expensive item. I do whatever the customer needs, of course.
It is had to believe how shy I was when I was in my teens. Now I go up to people every chance I get. I saw a guy at the park Sunday looking at the map, and I asked him if he knew where he was. He did not. I showed him how to get back to his car.
I was at Dunn's BBQ last week, and a guy had too much to carry to his car. I got up and carried a bag for him. He was surprised. He said, "I know I am in Virginia now!" I don't know what he means. I don't see a lot of that kind of thing, but I am helping people at every chance now. It takes so little to help. Hold a door for someone, offer to lift something, or carry a bag to the car. If someone is having car trouble, offer them a jumpstart, or to call for help for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kent. I've been following your blog from time-to-time. Drop me a line sometime. Karl Schoenefeld at SGS.